Annual Affiliate Dues (12-month term)

Annual Affiliate Dues (12-month term)

The WMS affiliates with organizations that have the ability to advance the mission of the WMS. These are not formal endorsements, but rather an indication of a shared commitment to supporting the membership of the WMS and/or offering wilderness medicine education opportunities.

All courses and content offered by Affiliates should maintain the highest level of quality. The Wilderness Medicine Education Collaborative (WMEC) provides open source, experience and literature-based guidelines for certificate-producing wilderness medical training courses based on expert consensus. The WMS therefore recommends Affiliates utilize the relevant WMEC Certification Standards for certification-granting courses (example WFA, WAFA, WFR). The WMS requires that its Affiliates' certification courses include some hands-on instruction and an in-person, real-time validation of skills.

Annual Affiliates have the opportunity to list their events on the WMS Community Events Calendar which is available online and printed quarterly in the Wilderness & Environmental Medicine journal, and receive several other benefits as well. To review the Affiliate Agreement, click here.
