WMS Winter Conference 

You are invited to join us for the 2025 WMS Winter Conference in whichever way is most convenient for you! 
Join us for an exhilarating journey into the heart of winter knowledge, all from the comfort of your preferred setting. Whether you want to join us in person, our prefer to login to the virtual platform from your home office. Dive into thought-provoking discussions led by industry professionals, participate in interactive workshops designed to sharpen your skills, and network with fellow medical professionals from around the globe. With a diverse array of sessions covering topics ranging from cutting-edge research to practical applications, there's something for everyone at the 2025 WMS Winter Conference.



 2024 Winter Conference
March 10 - 13, 2024
Whistler, BC or Online



Save the Date
February 2-5, 2025
Crested Butte, CO or Online