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WMS is a 501(c)3 organization, designating it a charity for public good with a responsibility to educate and serve the public, and indicating that donations are tax deductible. To fund the unique WMS programs and publications, the Society relies on members (new and renewing), fundraising events, and charitable gifts and donations. Only with member and public support, can WMS continue to meet the Society's responsibilities and serve the world beyond its membership.

Auerbach Lectureship Fund

The WMS and the field of wilderness medicine owe much to Paul. In the founding of the WMS, alongside Ed Geehr and Ken Kizer; during his presidency, work on numerous committees and events; in countless publications, educational contributions, and beyond, Paul Auerbach’s work spans decades into the past and its profound impact will continue for many more decades into the future. In order to commemorate his lasting contributions to the WMS and the field of wilderness medicine, the WMS Board of Directors established an annual summer lectureship in honor of Dr. Paul Auerbach in early June 2021.

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