
Our committees work year-round to ensure that WMS programs, publications, research, and certifications move forward—from conferences, to clinical practice guidelines, and everything in between. Below you will find a listing of all current WMS councils and committees. For space purposes, only committee chairs and Board/staff liaisons are included in this list, but we appreciate all members who serve on committees for their help advancing the WMS. For an overview of our current committee structure, refer to the WMS Organizational Chart by clicking here. Committee rosters are reviewed prior to the Summer Conference and a call for volunteers is sent out to members soon after in order to fill vacancies. Committee spots are reserved for WMS members and do fill quickly.

Board of Directors

Authority and Responsibility (per Bylaws)

The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Society and shall have all the powers, duties, and responsibilities vested in boards of directors for not-for-profit corporations under the laws of Colorado.

Composition (per Bylaws)

The Society shall have between seven (7) and sixteen (16) Directors, inclusive of Officers but exclusive of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is a non-voting member. Collectively, the Directors and the CEO shall be known as the Board of Directors. 

The Board of Directors shall always consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Immediate Past-President, and the non-voting CEO.
At the discretion of the Board of Directors, other Directors may be added or removed periodically as long as the total number does not exceed sixteen (16) or fall below seven (7).

Terms (per Bylaws)

Maximum Continuous Service (non-officer Directors)

A Director is elected for a term of two (2) years. A Director is eligible to serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive two-year terms.
If elected for the maximum of two (2) terms, a Director is eligible for re-election to the board after a lapse of one (1) year.

Board Membership

Dr. Jennifer E. Dow, MD, MHA, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM President
Ms. Shana Lee Tarter, FAWM, WEMT, AEMT Treasurer/President-Elect
Stephanie Lareau, MD, FAWM, FACEP, DiMM, DiDMM Secretary
COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Past President/Chair
Dr. Joseph D. Forrester, MD MSc, FAWM Research Council Chair
Jason Dale Williams, BS, NRP, DiMM, FAWM Membership Council Chair
Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Academy Director
Susanne Spano, MD, FACEP, FAWM Education Council Chair
Dr. Graham Brant-Zawadzki, MD, MA, FAWM, DiMM, FAEMS Conference Council Chair
Avinash Patil, MD Adventure CME Council Chair
Ms. Cory Kreutzer, MSN-FNP, FAWM, DiMM Member
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Finance and Audit Committee

Charge (per Bylaws)

The Finance and Audit Committee shall be charged to review the financial status of the Society, the formal audit, management letter and investment practices, making specific recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Composition (per Bylaws)

The Treasurer shall chair the Finance and Audit Committee.

Committee Leadership

Dr. Jennifer E. Dow, MD, MHA, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM Chair
Alicia Wilson Staff Liaison
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Nominating & Awards Committee

Charge (per bylaws)

  1. The Nominations committee shall present a slate of candidates for Secretary and all other open Board of Directors positions to the Board of Directors for approval. The Nominations Committee shall put forth at least one candidate for each position. At the discretion of the committee, more than one candidate may be put forth for any position.
  2. The Board of Directors appoints an Academy Director (through the Nominations Committee)

Composition (per Bylaws)

The Nominations Committee will be composed of the Immediate Past President and two Members of the Board of Directors and be chaired by the Immediate Past President. Should the Immediate Past President decline or be unable to serve as Chair, the President shall appoint an alternate Chair. The Board of Directors shall appoint the additional two Members of the nominating committee after soliciting nominations from the Board.

Approval Process (per Bylaws)

A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall elect from the recommended nominee(s).

Other Charge

Within two weeks of the March 15 deadline for recognition award nominations, the Awards Committee will meet via conference call and make a recommendation to the full board for the following awards: Dian Simpkins, Education, Research (based on the recommendations of the Research Committee), Warren D. Bowman.

Committee Leadership

COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Chair
Michelle Lynn Staff Liaison
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Ethics Committee

Charge (per bylaws)

The Ethics Committee is charged with:

  1. The review of potential conflicts of interest and/or ethical concerns involving either board members or the general membership.
  2. After review, the Ethics Committee is responsible for making a just and fair recommendation to the WMS Board of Directors to limit or mitigate a given potential conflict of interest or ethical issue.

Committee Leadership

COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Past President/Chair
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Wilderness Medicine Magazine (WMM) Committee


  1. Disseminate wilderness medicine information to wilderness professional/recreationalist, medical, outdoor, and travel communities.
  2. Provide timely information regarding Wilderness Medical Society news and activities.
  3. Provide a forum for exchange of ideas and knowledge regarding wilderness, environmental, and travel medicine.

Committee Leadership

Nancy Pietroski, PharmD, FAWM, WEMT, CTH, NR-EMT Chair
Jason Dale Williams, BS, NRP, DiMM, FAWM Board Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Publications Committee


The Publications Committee will ensure the overall success of the WMS journal (WEM) publishing program, providing oversight and expertise to ensure that the Society’s scientific, strategic, and financial goals are met.

Committee Leadership

Linda Keyes, MD, FACEP, FAWM Chair
COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Adam Etkin Staff Liaison
Alicia Byrne Staff Liaison

Wilderness & Environmental Medicine (WEM) Journal Editorial Board


Wilderness & Environmental Medicine (WEM) is the official journal of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS). It is published quarterly and is devoted to original scientific and technical contributions related in whole or in part to wilderness or environmental medicine.

The role of the WEMJ Editorial Board is to oversee all functions of the Journal.

Committee Leadership

William Binder, MD, MA, FACEP Chair
COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Adam Etkin Staff Liaison
Alicia Byrne Staff Liaison

Wongchhu Sherpa Memorial Hospital (WSMH) Tapting Hospital Workgroup

Workgroup Leadership
Eric L. Johnson, MD, FAWM Chair
Dr. Jennifer E. Dow, MD, MHA, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM Board Liaison
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Governance Workgroup

Workgroup Leadership
Dr. Jennifer E. Dow, MD, MHA, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM Chair
Renita Fonseca, CAE, CMP Staff Liaison

Research Council


The Research Council shall oversee all research efforts of the Society.  Because research has been identified as a strategic priority, the Council will approach the charge as such.  The Council will develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to aggressively advance the research mission.  These will be presented to the BOD for approval. The Council (through subordinate committees) will carry out all initiatives approved by the BOD. 

Council Leadership

Dr. Joseph D. Forrester, MD MSc, FAWM Chair
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Committee


The Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee will oversee the creation, publication, and dissemination of Society Practice Guidelines.

Committee Leadership

Maighdlin Anderson, DNP, ACNP, CCRN, PHRN, FAWM Chair
Dr. Joseph D. Forrester, MD MSc, FAWM Board Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Research Committee


The Research Committee shall oversee all research and grant efforts and offerings of the society. 

Committee Leadership

Thomas DeLoughery, MD, MACP, FAWM Chair
Dr. Joseph D. Forrester, MD MSc, FAWM Board Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Academy of Wilderness Medicine


The Academy, chaired by the Academy Director, will oversee all components of the Fellowship, Diploma, and Master’s programs, and such new degrees and programs that may be added in the future.

The Academy of Wilderness Medicine is governed and administered according to the charter adopted in 2004. 

Council Leadership

Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Academy Director
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM) Committee


The FAWM Committee shall administer the FAWM program in cooperation with the Academy (didactic and degree components) and with the Conference Planning Committee.

Committee Leadership

Lawrence LeBlond, MD, FAWM Chair
Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Diploma in Mountain Medicine (DiMM) Committee


The DiMM Committee shall administer the DiMM program in cooperation with the Academy (didactic and degree components) and with the Conference Planning Committee. The committee shall administer the DiMM program in accordance with UIAA and IKAR requirements.

Committee Leadership

Andy Rich, DiMM, FAWM, AMGA Aspirant Guide and Certified Rock Guide Chair
Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison
Teri Howell Staff Liaison

Diploma in Diving and Marine Medicine (DiDMM) Committee


The DiDMM Committee shall administer the DiDMM program in cooperation with the Academy (didactic and degree components) and with the Conference Planning Committee. 

Committee Leadership

Cheryl Lowry, MD, MPH, FAsMA, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Chair
Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Alicia Wilson Staff Liaison

Education Council


The Education Council shall oversee all aspects of education not covered under the Academy. This includes, but is not limited to, continuing medical education and conference development, graduate and undergraduate medical education and medical and austere education to allied and affiliated members.  

Committee Leadership

Susanne Spano, MD, FACEP, FAWM Chair
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

CME Committee


The CME Committee shall oversee and approve all CME for conferences, adventure travel, and programs in accordance with the rules and regulations of the ACCME.

Committee Leadership

Lawrence LeBlond, MD, FAWM Chair
Stephanie Lareau, MD, FAWM, FACEP, DiMM, DiDMM Board Liaison
Teri Howell Staff Liaison

GME Fellowship Committee


The GME Fellowship Committee is to serve as a platform to integrate GME Fellowships with the WMS and the Academy of Wilderness Medicine diplomas.

Committee Leadership

Jessie R. Gehner, MD, FAWM Chair
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Resident/Student Education Committee


The Resident/Student Committee shall oversee opportunities available to students and residents in wilderness medicine and create education products to further wilderness medicine education.

Committee Leadership

Dr. Justin M. Gardner, DO, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Chair
Susanne Spano, MD, FACEP, FAWM Board Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison

Membership Council


The Membership Council shall oversee all efforts related to Society Membership including, but not limited to recruitment, retention, and structure.  Because membership has been identified as a strategic priority, the Council will approach the charge as such. The Council will develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to aggressively advance the membership mission.  These will be presented to the BOD for approval. The Council will carry out all initiatives approved by the BOD.  Examples include, but are not limited to: member engagement, dues structure, tiers, types, growth, surveys and other analyses, and marketing initiatives.

Council Leadership

Carlton Heine, MD, PhD, FACEP, FAWM Chair
Jason Dale Williams, BS, NRP, DiMM, FAWM Board Liaison
Kelly George Staff Liaison

Membership Committee

Committee Leadership

Mark Fresch, MBChB, MRCGP, FAWM, FRGS Chair
Jason Dale Williams, BS, NRP, DiMM, FAWM Board Liaison
Kelly George Staff Liaison

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Committee


The Wilderness Medicine Society's JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) committee's mission is to enable the WMS to adhere to its values.  The committee values and welcomes all members regardless of background and self-identification. This committee will help WMS to strategically integrate more inclusivity and diversity into WMS' leadership and public representation, future events, social engagement, and active research. 

Committee Leadership

Roople Unia, MD, FAWM Chair
Jason Dale Williams, BS, NRP, DiMM, FAWM Board Liaison
Kelly George Staff Liaison

Conference Council


The Conference Council shall oversee all efforts related to conferences and related endeavors.  Because conferences have been identified as a strategic priority, the Council will approach the charge as such. The Conference Council shall be strategically focused while the subcommittees will be tactical.  The Council will develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to aggressively advance mission around conferences.  These will be presented to the BOD for approval. The Council will carry out all initiatives approved by the BOD.  The council will oversee the Adventure Ed program, work to expand offerings and opportunities, review and approve potential offerings.  

Council Leadership

Alicia Wilson Staff Liaison
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Conference Planning Committee


The Conference Planning Committee shall: 

  1. Implement all conferences as charged by the Conference Council
  2. Work with any designated pre-conference chairs (topics and chairs to be selected by Conference Council with BOD approval) to incorporate the pre-conference
  3. Develop and maintain conference planning checklists and “how-to” manuals
  4. If concurrent DiMM or DiDMM activities are to be incorporated, work with the relevant committees 

Committee Leadership

David Young, MD, MS, FAWM, DiMM Conference Council Chair
Dr. Graham Brant-Zawadzki, MD, MA, FAWM, DiMM, FAEMS Board Liaison
Alicia Wilson Staff Liaison
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Adventure Ed Council


The Adventure Ed Council shall generally oversee all aspects of Adventure Ed organization and implementation.  Specific charges of the Council, as well as any associated complementary and/or subordinate committees, will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Council Leadership

Ann Bowers, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Chair
Avinash Patil, MD Adventure CME Council Chair
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Adventure Ed Committee


The Adventure Ed Committee shall:

  1. Administer the Adventure Ed programs that have been reviewed and approved by the Conference Council
  2. If the Adventure Ed is sponsored (ie. comes with its own responsible group), the subcommittee will provide oversight to ensure successful implementation.
  3. If the Adventure Ed is not sponsored, the committee (with approval from the Conference Council Chair) will assign necessary faculty and other relevant individuals and ensure satisfactory transition if the program is going to be repeated.
  4. Develop and maintain Adventure Ed template, handbook, and “how to propose, develop, and launch” manual for prospective programs

Committee Leadership

Ann Bowers, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Chair
Avinash Patil, MD Board Liaison
Alicia Wilson Staff Liaison
Anna Russell Staff Liaison
Gabi Glass, CMP Staff Liaison

Global Health, Disaster & Humanitarian Special Interest Leadership Committee


The Global Health Committee shall engage WMS Members in participating in the governance of an active Global Health initiative, including educational, communication, and volunteer activities. The committee is to provide guidance and opportunity for Members of the Society to become knowledgeable concerning issues affecting global health and to facilitate Society Members with participation opportunities.

Committee Leadership

Terri Davis, MD, FAWM Chair
Ms. Cory Kreutzer, MSN-FNP, FAWM, DiMM Board Liaison

Environmental Special Interest Leadership Committee


The Environmental Committee shall work to engage the wilderness medicine community in active dialogue on the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health.

Committee Leadership

Avinash Patil, MD Board Liaison

Operational Medicine Special Interest Leadership Committee


The Operational Medicine Committee shall acquire and function as a conduit for the latest operational medical research and field knowledge from the military.

Committee Leadership

Ryan Kelly, CRNP, FNP-C, ENP-C, CEN, FAWM, WP-C Chair
Gustavo E. Flores, MD, NRP, FP-C, TP-C, WP-C, FAWM Community Engagement Coordinator (SILC)
COL Ian S. Wedmore, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiMM, DiDMM Board Liaison

Search & Rescue Special Interest Leadership Committee


The Search and Rescue Committee shall promote the delivery of high-quality medical care in search and rescue operations.

Committee Leadership

Cassie Lowry, DO, FAWM Chair
Blair Anderson, RN, CFRN, NR EMTP Community Engagement Coordinator (SILC)
Susanne Spano, MD, FACEP, FAWM Board Liaison

Women in Wilderness Medicine Special Interest Leadership Committee


Because guidance from mentors, coaches, sponsors, and connectors is critical for the success of our female WMS membership, the Women in Wilderness Medicine Committee is charged with:

  1. Creating opportunities for mentorship and creating connections for women WMS members to align their interests, projects and support individual as well as WMS growth. 
  2. Spearheading women in wilderness specific CME trips and conference events. 
  3. Developing programs to promote leadership and academic success with scholarship opportunities and advancement pathways in wilderness medicine.
  4. Creating a women’s speakers bureau. 
  5. Reviewing the current state of the WMS for gender equality issues and monitoring and tracking bias within the WMS.
  6. Addressing gender equity issues in the field of wilderness medicine with advocacy and specialty statements and/or policies. 

Committee Leadership

Sarah Crockett, MD, FAWM, DiMM Chair
Sarah Schlein, MD, FAWM, DiMM Chair
Kelly Ray, FAWM Secretary (SILC)
Kim Kaiser, MD Community Engagement Coordinator (SILC)
Christanne Coffey, MD, FACEP, FAWM, DiDMM Board Liaison